Paintballing - Melbourne indoor paintball
Although this is not strictly and engineering post, I have observed that a huge number of techies enjoy paintballing - possibly tied in with all the FPS they played as kids (and older kids). Last weekend was my 4th paintballing incursion, at my 3rd venue. It was also my first time indoor paintballing, which added quite a new dimension to the game.
The floor was carpeted and absolutely covered in paintballs and a smearing of paint. This made for some great diving action - allowing me to do huge power-slides to get behind cover. My commando like tactics came at a cost though – over all the games I was hit only a handful of times - and only have one bruise to show, but my whole body came away aching. Lessons from this: 1) stretch first, 2) I'm not Jason Bourne.
Some other interesting dynamics of indoor paintball were:
- All the barriers were blowup air filled barriers - and would move if you touched them - so you could work out were people were by seeing what moved.
- Since everyone was much closer in I couldn't use my ears as much to determine when the enemy was firing and withdraw before the paint started reaching me - I can normally do this outdoors.
- There wasn't a noticeable change in pitch when the gun was just firing air as opposed to paint. Possibly because outdoor It was lost quieter I could notice a change in pitch when you turned the gun upside-down and fired just air - indoor they sounded much more similar.
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