Cool Engineering

Info on some cool engineering projects

Friday, May 04, 2007

Faster ... and more efficient

Having gone through quite a few cans in the past week testing various alcohol stoves I recently built a variant of the penny stove. Rave reviews had been written about this stove and they seem to be well founded. In tested it brought by 500mL of (uncovered) water to near boil in about 5 minutes, and used significantly less fuel than the previous version. It looks like the penny stove is going to be the one I'll be taking out camping. The only hassle is to ensure there is a good seal between the penny and the can - otherwise all the primer fuel runs out into the base. This stove is actually easier to built - no rivets required (I tried putting rivets in the side - just to ensure it stays together, but because of the increased pressure flames come out of these - so no need to worry about rivets).
It should be noted no snails were hurt in the testing of this product.


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