Fix-it 4: ADSL connection
Another simple job I had was out in Caulfield - about an hour from home, but a tolerable deviation from work - so this was a job on the way home from work from work albeit in an indirect way.
The problem: The phone and fax in the bedroom don't work, but the phone in the kitchen does. Previously there was no ADSL filter in the bedroom and it worked OK up till a couple of months ago (they have had ADSL for years) - this shouldn't really be the case but it was - possibly they didn't notice the noise and the exchange was recently upgraded to ADSL 2. The filter that had been installed when this problem started was simply installed incorrectly - the fax was plugged into the phone output - ok there, the phone was plugged into the ASDL output - a no-no. After putting in a double adapter and a second filter that problem was quickly solved. Besides my 'consultancy fee' I got a free dinner - bonus!